Cooking Featured Recipes

Secrets of Stir Fry: Long Hot Peppers & Pork 小椒炒肉丝

Long hot peppers with pork are a classic Chinese stir fry combo. I’m sharing the best secrets for stir frying. Read on for the equipment and technique you need to achieve tender meat, crisp veggies, and wok hei “breath of the the wok” in any home kitchen.

Cooking Recipes

Sichuan Hot & Sour Julienned Potatoes

The ultimate budget breakfast or dinner potato dish, Sichuan hot and sour julienned potatoes are crisp, spicy, and tart. They’re the perfect bite!

Cooking Recipes

炒三丝 “Chinese Three Threads”

The dish is 炒三丝 (chǎo sān sī), which translates to “sauteed three threads”. It’s a homey stir fry of three+ different components whose flavor and color complement each other to become more than the sum of the parts. It’s a particularly humble dish because it uses whatever random veggies and optional meats you have in the fridge.

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