Cooking Featured Recipes

Hubei Pearl Meatballs
湖北名菜 珍珠圆子

A classic Hubei dish of steamed meatballs coated in a shimmering layer of glutinous rice. These pearl meatballs have a long history from the royal kitchens of imperial China to modern state dinners. But they’re festive, celebratory, and easy to make, so they’re the perfect choice for your next banquet.

Cooking Essentials Lifestyle

Virtual Hotpot Party at Home 宅家云火锅

Tis the season… for 云火锅 a virtual hotpot party! With this year being a holiday season like no other, I can’t think of a more warming and comforting meal than hotpot. Better yet, it’s perfectly suited for a socially-distanced dinner party with friends and family.

Cooking Featured Recipes

Pumpkin Mooncakes with Maple & Bacon

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋快乐!I’m celebrating fall’s bounty with authentic rich, flaky Suzhou-style mooncakes, with my modern filling pin: pumpkin with maple and bacon.

Cooking Recipes

Easy, Healthy Mung Bean Cakes 低糖少油 绿豆糕

Happy 端午节 (duān wǔ jié) Dragon Boat Festival! This year, I’d like to introduce you to a traditional Chinese dessert that deserves a spot at your table: 绿豆糕 (lǜ dòu gāo) mung bean cakes! Mung bean cakes are delicate, pretty pastries that started out as imperial desserts 贡品 (gòng pín) in the 清朝 Qīng dynasty. Back then, only emperors and nobles could have them. They are soft and creamy, lightly sweet and refreshing. And my version is so healthy that it’s ok to have several!

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